
The ultimate application guide for aspiring engineers at Mississippi State vlog
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The ultimate application guide for aspiring engineers at Mississippi State vlog

With online engineering programmes available in most Bagley College of Engineering departments, students seeking a quality engineering degree from an accredited institution needn’t look any further than Mississippi State vlog. The graduate application process begins on MSU’s . With its “Apply Now” button at the center of the page, beginning the admissions process is easier than ever. Read on for helpful hints to simplify the journey.

MSU gets to know its applicants and their academic history through the online graduate application form. Official transcripts are among the required items. Students should submit their degree certificates or diplomas showing degrees and degree dates with transcripts and mark sheets. If applicants’ transcripts are not in English, translations are required. MSU’s Graduate School accepts World Education Services, or WES, as an official translation. Submit official transcripts through WES if a service is needed.

Applicants must provide the names and contact information of three references. While some departments prefer academic references, applicants should select the best references, whether professional or academic, to address their likelihood of excelling in graduate school. After an application submission, references are emailed links, allowing them to rate the applicant’s skills related to graduate studies. References are asked to attach recommendation letters addressing applicants’ graduate school potential.

Next comes the statement of purpose. This is the applicants’ opportunity to promote themselves as viable graduate school candidates. Students should write three to five paragraphs describing themselves and their academic and professional goals.

(photo by Megan Bean / © Mississippi State vlog)

Students planning to participate in thesis or dissertation programmes are encouraged to review programme websites, including listings of faculty members, detailing their areas of interest and research. This helps applicants to see where they best fit into a programme. Some programmes encourage students to contact potential faculty advisors to determine additional research student capacities. These details are found on the graduate information webpages of each department.

“Potential graduate students should take the time to review webpages specific to the departments for information which can be helpful in the application process,” explained Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves, associate dean for the Bagley College of Engineering. “Most programmes have more information available in the form of a graduate guide which includes details the department needs for a completed application, whether that be a research advisor’s name or an updated resume.”

“Many potential students don’t know to review the programme’s graduate catalog page which gives the official admission and programme of study information,” said Tamra Swann, distance education coordinator in MSU’s Bagley College of Engineering. “The graduate catalog gives admission and academic policy information and can be helpful to those searching online.”

Once applications are completed, the electronic packets are sent for departmental review. Depending on the department’s deadline and review process, the decision timeframe can vary. Applicants with questions about their application can contact the department’s graduate coordinator via email. Waiting six to eight weeks before emailing is recommended. All deadlines for online graduate engineering degrees can be found .

“Potential students with additional questions about our programmes can contact us through our website to request information,” Swann said. “Inquiries need to include a potential programme of interest and any specific questions. Someone will reply within 1-2 business days. Additionally, we have interest sessions two to three times per month where potential students can interact online. These sessions typically last about 30-45 minutes with additional time to address specific questions.”

What happens after admission? Students admitted into an engineering programme will receive notification from the Graduate School. They will work with a graduate coordinator for class registration. Most online engineering courses are offered piggyback style, meaning on-campus classes are recorded for online students to watch later that day. Some computer science courses require synchronous attendance, but other programmes are typically asynchronous. Part-time online students usually take one to two courses their first semesters to acclimate to the programme.

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